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I love book research. It's one of the most fun parts of the book creation process for me, but I definitely need to make sure I don't disappear down the rabbit-hole of research and forget to actually write!
In this article, I’ll explain how to conduct research for your books, how to organize and manage the information you find, plus how to know when to stop researching and start writing.
If you’d like more help, check out my book: How to Write a Novel.
Is research really necessary?
If you're writing non-fiction, research will most likely be the basis of your book. For fiction, it can provide ideas on which to build your characters and plot.
You can go into the research phase with no concrete agenda, as I often do, and emerge with a clear idea of how your story will unfold. Or, if you have pre-existing ideas, research allows you to develop them further. In terms of reader expectation, research is critical in genres like historical fiction, as it will help you to create an accurate world and ground the story in reality.
When people read a story, they want to sink into your fictional world. If you introduce something that jolts the reader, the ‘fictive dream' is interrupted. For many genres, research can help you avoid this.
Most of my J.F.Penn thrillers are set in the present day and I like to have 95% reality in terms of places, historical accuracy and actual events. Then I push the edges of that reality a little further and see what happens.
How to research your novel
Research can take many forms. Here are some of my methods for gathering information.
(1) Research through reading and watching
“Books are made out of books” – Cormac McCarthy
Your research process can happen online at the various book retailers or Goodreads, but I also like to take it into the physical world by heading to libraries and bookstores, as you never quite know what you might discover. I think of it as serendipity in the stacks!
If you're writing fiction, it’s important to read extensively in your genre in order to understand the reader expectations, but many authors also find it helpful to read a wide range of non-fiction books on the topics they're interested in.
You can also read magazines and journals; browse images on Pinterest and Flickr; and watch documentaries and films on TV and YouTube. Fill the creative well!
If you have concerns about plagiarism, take note of this quote from Austin Kleon’s book Steal Like an Artist.
“Stealing from one person is plagiarism. Stealing from 100 is research.”
For example, if you read five books on the history of The Tudors and you've written notes on all of them, then you turn that into something new, that’s considered research and is an entirely natural part of the writing process. It only slips into plagiarism if you copy lines from another work and pass them off as your own, and of course, that’s something we would never want to do.
(2) Research through travel
One of my favorite ways to carry out research is to travel to places where I intend to set a novel.
This may not fit your budget, but it’s not always as expensive as you might expect, particularly if you travel during off-season periods. For my recent thriller End of Days, we did a research trip to Israel. You can join me for a walk around the Old City of Jerusalem in this video made on site.
Information on different locations can be found on our own doorstep and museum exhibitions are the perfect example of this. Follow your curiosity – maybe one museum exhibit leads you to another and each sparks your imagination somehow.
I've now written several books and a short story based on exhibitions at The British Museum: Day of the Vikings opens there, Crypt of Bone features an exhibition on religious relics, Blake Daniel even works there during the London Psychic crime thriller series, and I wrote a short story coming out in an anthology later this year based on the Sunken Egypt exhibit. If you visit London, it is a must-visit 🙂
We're also very lucky in that we live in a time where it’s possible to research travel destinations online, so you can write about a place even if you haven't been there. You can find clips on YouTube, watch travel documentaries, read travel blogs, and even get a feel for walking around a location via Google maps.
(3) Research on Pinterest (or other visual social media)
We can find inspiration on Pinterest by browsing other people’s boards, but it’s also the perfect place to gather our own research and easily record it. I have Pinterest Boards for most of my J.F.Penn thriller novels now.
For fiction authors, the visual medium can be particularly valuable for sparking ideas and bringing our fictional worlds into reality. You can even share this inspiration with your readers.
(4) Let synchronicity emerge
I find that an initial story idea can develop into a better book if I carry out research early on.
When I started End of Days, I only had the title and I knew it would have to have some kind of apocalyptic event, but it also needed to be original.
I found two books: The End, an overview of Bible prophecy and the end of days, and also The End: What Science and Religion Tell Us About the Apocalypse, a mix of scientific information and how different religions see the end of the world.
From these two books, I gathered a wealth of ideas including the quote for the beginning of the book from Revelation 20:1-6
“Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. And he sees the dragon, that ancient serpent who is the devil and Satan and bound him for a thousand years and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him until the thousand years were ended.”
The serpent element sparked my curiosity so I started Googling art associated with serpents. I discovered Lilith, called the first wife of Adam and a demon closely associated with serpents.
Then I found this quote from the Talmud (Jewish scripture) about Lilith:
“The female of Samael is called ‘serpent, woman of harlotry, end of all flesh, end of days.'”
Yes, it actually calls her End of Days. Talk about synchronicity!
[This type of thing seems to happen with every novel I write, which makes me agree with a lot of what Elizabeth Gilbert says in Big Magic about ideas. It's a great book!]
Lilith and Samael emerged as my antagonists from this research, which also gave me rich story ideas for the plot. All this came from my willingness to go down the research rabbit hole.
(5) Research possible settings
The next stage was to consider a setting for my story and how I could use snakes in a much bigger way.
The setting is always a very important element of my books, so I looked initially at places sacred to serpent worship. I found an amazing documentary on YouTube about the Appalachian Christians, who use serpents in their worship, and from there the backstory of Lilith grew. I theorized that if she came from a group who were not afraid of serpents, then this might explain how she gets involved in the end of days conspiracy.
I had the serpent element of the quote, now I needed the bottomless pit. The Marianas Trench in the Pacific Ocean is known as the deepest place on earth and thus this was the next direction my research took me.
From one initial Google search on serpent worship, I had an outline for the plot of my novel.
This should give you an idea of how powerful research can be, taking you from an initial spark of creativity through to a completed book.
How to organize and manage your research
Your research will be far more effective if you keep track of it as you progress. You can put a couple of lines into your phone or write a few notes in a journal as you go along, but at some point, you need to organize this information so you can get writing.
There is no right or wrong approach to managing your research, just choose the option that works best for you and it will likely evolve as your writing career progresses. Some people use physical files, like a filing system, or a pin board.
Others opt for a digital system, such as Evernote, so they can access the information from any device. I used to take all my notes in Scrivener because it’s then within easy reach when I write, but I have also started to supplement this with Evernote as it makes things easier to organize for the longer term, whereas Scrivener is for each specific project.
When to stop researching
Research can be a lot of fun, but at some point you have to stop researching and start writing. Remember, research can become a form of procrastination and the more you research, the more information you will find to include.
Therefore, as soon as you have enough information to write a scene about a place, event or person in your novel, then maybe you should stop and do some writing about it. Keep a balance between consumption and creation, input and output.
Another way to approach this is to set a time limit. For example, if you know you need to start writing on a particular date to hit a (self-imposed) deadline, then work backwards to allow yourself a research period before this.
You can always do additional research as you write, but the important thing is that the book is underway.
Get started with what you have, fill in the blanks later.
Should you use an Author's Note about your research?
At the end of all of my books, I add an Author's Note which includes information on where my research came from and links to my videos and images along the way. It’s certainly not a requirement to do this but it can be beneficial to both you and the reader. My readers often comment on it when they email about the books.
We're all unique and that’s what sets our books apart so don’t be afraid to approach research in the way that suits you best. Whether you use research to spark initial ideas or to drive your narrative forward, the time invested in it will ultimately reap rewards in terms of the quality of your finished book.
Do you love the research process? Do you have any questions or tips to offer? Please leave a comment below and join the conversation.
If you’d like more help on researching, plotting or writing your book, check out my book: How to Write a Novel.
Angela Mills says
I love researching. I’m starting a novel in a different genre than I usually write in, and it’s going to require more research than I’ve ever done. I’m just curious, how long do you give yourself for research?
Joanna Penn says
I try to keep it to a month at a few hours a day 🙂 then I do some more as I’m writing.
Monna Ellithorpe says
Hi Joanna,
I am working on my first mystery novel and I really hadn’t thought of any kind of research. My book is just ideas in my mind turned into a story.
You have given me lots to think about. I am using locations and characters, so I should be doing some research on the locations to keep it accurate.
Thank you. I do enjoy reading your posts.
Travis Chapman says
Thanks Joanna. I know I’m always fascinated by what’s left over at the end of novel writing: a pile of paper, a collection of Evernotes, and gaggle of notes and paragraphs in Scrivener. But it’s all valuable! I really like the idea of an Author’s Note for readers; hopefully they enjoy diving into some of those rabbit holes as well.
Jessica Kruppa says
“Writing can be a form of procrastination.”
I discovered that I use research to procrastinate because it has more of an “I’m working” vibe than playing video games, but I’m spinning my wheels and going nowhere because the research never solidified into an actual story. I like the idea of scheduling research and putting a specific time limit and deadline on it. Maybe that will help me turn research back into work rather than an excuse to not write.
On organization: Does anyone have thoughts on Evernote versus something like Microsoft’s OneNote for research organization?
Palessa says
I actually do enjoy research and I have some leads from the British Library that I am looking at right now. I don’t know how long this will take me because I need to learn a lot more about the era but I have marked 2017 as the year of getting that second book in the historical researched and notes. Honestly, it’s going to be a great ride as I dive into the times and figure out how I can really do this well. It’s so great that you got to travel to your locations. You get to engage ALL of your senses. One day…
P.D. Workman says
I love the research process. Evernote is a great tool to quickly clip and organize research, and to find it again later.
Joe Long says
My WIP is set where I grew up but in 1979. I lived through the 70’s but have to verify some of the current events and also refresh my knowledge of the local dialect.
PS I was also in Jerusalem the first week of November, walking through the Old City on Friday. I even recognized some of the stores and doorways in your video. It was much more crowded on the Via Dolorosa and in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher than you showed. I didn’t take any videos but have a couple thousand still photos.
Walt Socha says
Great article…thanks!
I’m writing Alt-history set in the 11th century. One source I find extremely valuable is the lectures put out by http://www.The Great Courses.com There is a multitude of history topics. And they make a great crash course on the past.
As for settings, I find Google Earth to be invaluable. Of course, putting one’s feet on the ground is even better. (On a recent trip to Ireland, I broke away from our tour group and spent a day hiking through the setting of my second novel…way great to walk the ground I had spent the previous two years on Google Earth visiting!).
Note: the only downside to doing research for a althistory/thriller/historic novel is discovering that humans keep make the same mistakes over and over again..
Amy Marie says
I really enjoy your podcast! Thank you for sharing with us how your researching looks, this was so helpful. 🙂
Laura Martone says
Like you, I adore the research process – perhaps a little too much. Right now, I’m working on two projects with my husband: a space opera series and a time travel series. And because the time travel is really historical fiction in disguise, it requires a lot more research than the space opera. So, this post is very timely for me – and your advice is incredibly helpful. Of course, since Dan and I spend much of the year in our RV, we depend on travel and the Internet to gather research – but I do miss actual libraries… and I love the phrase “serendipity in the stacks!”
Celise says
Just curious…would you ever delegate the research process to someone else, like a VA? Or do you know any writers that have done so? Thanks.
Joanna Penn says
Some writers definitely use them – but I actually enjoy the research myself 🙂
Nyssa The Hobbit says
I don’t think a month would be anywhere near enough for the book I’ve been working on. I’ve been researching it for a couple of years and I swear there’s still a ton I don’t know. (It’s a time-travel story, much of which is set in WWII Germany.)
I look at Diana Gabaldon’s books and think there’s no way I could ever have enough historical detail to make my book like one of hers–But then, it’s just one book, not a series like she does. I also don’t want to write 1000 pages.
The more I research, the more I find things I never would’ve thought about. I think I have details down, only to find that I got something glaringly wrong. So even after two years I’m not finished researching. But I’ve also written nearly 400 pages, so procrastination is not the problem….The problem is knowing when it’s okay to stop, that I have enough detail to make the book believable. 🙂
Johyson says
Hi, I am looking for a job where I can do research for non fiction writers. Does such a market exist? Understandably writers would like to do this on their own but wont it help in many cases if someone else can do this for them? Any thoughts – keen to hear the views
Joanna Penn says
Look at using a site like Upwork where people find freelancers – all the best.
Gail says
Thanks for sharing your ideas about the research process. I’m currently getting down to writing a book I’ve had in my head for a couple of years, though only now have I made the time and commitment to see it through to the finish line. I’m relieved that I’m actually using many of the methods you suggest, and I found it helpful to be reminded of a few things along the way.
An inspiring read!
Robyn says
I am currently working on my first story in a section deals with a car accident and the injuries related to it. I have been researching the types of injuries related to a car accident victim and have found a lot to work with. My question is one of possible overkill on detailed nature of the impact of the accident and treatment of character. I don’t want to get the reader lost in the jargon but I want to be detailed enough to be at least semi realistic. How do I draw that line?
Susie Zien says
Hi. I have a technical request. I would greatly appreciate if you would add the Pocket app as a share option. I see you have no print option and Pocket allows us to hold your article to read later, while we are waiting, on the bus, etc. getpocket.com
Thank you!
Joanna Penn says
Thanks, I’ve added Pocket so it should appear now.
Jannine says
Thank you for this article. I was struggling to find the right way to describe the importance of research in creative writing as so many see creative pieces as pure imagination but research is vital.
Ivy Baker says
I liked that you explained that you will want to know that it would be smart to research before you start writing. That does seem like you would want to know if the book is historical fiction. After all, you want to make sure that everything is accurate and won’t bug history buffs.