
What is Web 2.0 and why is it important for writers?

The term Web 2.0 has been around a few years but it has now changed the way the internet is…

Joanna Penn

Networking: 5 reasons authors need to network in person

Authors can get a bit insular sometimes - we shut ourselves away at the computer and create another masterpiece (or…

Joanna Penn

Send your writing goals to FutureYou

It's the time of year to give up on 2008 and think about what you will achieve in 2009. Do…

Joanna Penn

Publishing 2.0 News 11 Dec 2008

There are so many interesting things happening in the publishing world at the moment! It is an exciting place for…

Joanna Penn

Inspirational Authors: Kylie Welsh

Continuing in our series of inspirational authors, today we have excerpts from an interview with Kylie Welsh. Kylie is the…

Joanna Penn

How do I sell my book on Amazon.com?

Amazon.com sells billions of dollars worth of books each year, and your title can be on this global bookstore next…

Joanna Penn