On Writing Fiction: The Magic Moment

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There’s a magic moment when the story suddenly emerges from the writing. For me, that happened the other day when it seemed that all the stars aligned and synchronicity blazed and I was writing in the flow, and the story came to life.

This post originally appeared on my fiction blog J.F.Penn.com [Text below the short video]

Let me explain a little more.

Mosaic of the Ark of the Covenant at the Grand Lodge of England

Exodus is my third novel and is based around a hunt for the Ark of the Covenant as the Middle East counts down to a religious war. I’ve been researching the Ark and possible locations for six months, reading the official papers and also the conspiracy theorists.

I have my series characters in place and my secret government agency, ARKANE which investigates religious mysteries. I had a broad outline and had started writing, but the story hadn’t really caught fire for me.

Then a few days okay, that magic moment happened.

I visited the United Grand Lodge of England, the Freemasons Grand Temple in London, and what I saw there crystallized a whole load of ideas. It’s an awesome place, full of symbolism and hints at the secrets that lie within.

Then I went to a spin class and while I was cycling away, the ideas mashed together and the rest of the story fell into place. It fits the research theories and it fits some of the conspiracy theories. My story could actually be plausible, which for me, is essential for a thriller. I won’t give too much of the plot away, but I wanted to share this magic moment and part of how I write a novel.

So I am 40,000 words into Exodus now, but I know where the story goes from here. I just need to get the words down for the first draft and then move into the editing phase. But this is a precious moment, when you know there’s a story to be told, one that will intrigue and entertain people.

You’ll have to read the book to find out where the Ark of the Covenant might be!

[and if you're interested in my fiction, you can sign up for my newsletter at JFPenn.com to get exclusives and early deals]

Do you know what I mean about the magic moment? How does it happen for you?

Joanna Penn:

View Comments (13)

  • I know what you mean. I've had a few of those moments - maybe its something someone said, or an interesting idea, or a place that just makes it all come together.

    Sometimes I find doing something else (like washing dishes, walking, biking, playing an instrument, shopping) can help my mind make those subconscious connections. :)

  • I know what you mean about the "magic moment" and when it eludes you, it can be painful. I'm working on a non-fiction book right now that looks good in theory, but as I struggle along with the research, things haven't clicked into place. It's frustrating! I keep looking forward to the magic moment when the story in my mind matches the one I wrote on my outline.

  • Congrats Joanna on getting so far in your new book:) I understand what you mean about the magic moment. I had one about my current story while I was in the shower the other day.
    So I had to write while things were still fresh in my mind:) I love it when that happens!

    • The shower is definitely one of those meditative places that stories tend to coalesce!

  • For me when those moments hit the word flow, as you say, is the only way to describe it. Almost effortlessly the ideas, visions, and words move from me to the keyboard and before you know, you have more than satisfied your goal for the day. I only wish those moments happened more often! ;-)

  • For the me the magic moment is when the plot suddenly clicks into place and I can see the ending stretching out before me. Most importantly I can also see how my characters will react to the things I'm going to throw at them! Sadly, not every project gets a magic moment :(

    Congratulations on your magic moment :)

  • Utopia, that's how it is for me. Usually I see a street scene or a person doing something and the answers roll in. Not when I am searching for answers but after I have put the question in my mind. Then my mind goes on a seach and when it sees a scene that may or may not have anything to do with it, it spills accross my brain and Utopia!

  • A close friend showed up with books on loan, regarding the history of the era I'm writing about. Unhappily, work on my new novel has been stalled because of the lack of a central plot. I know this sounds awful, as there can't be a story without one. The books pointed me toward a story line natural to the era. But I am still struggling, so am reading your posts, listening to things here. Thank you for all the encouragement at your site to persist and do well! Also happy for your breakthrough!
    (I put a link to this site in my blogroll, plus a temporary link on the front page of my blog.)

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