Review Of The Creative Penn Goals For 2010

OLD POST ALERT! This is an older post and although you might find some useful tips, any technical or publishing information is likely to be out of date. Please click on Start Here on the menu bar above to find links to my most useful articles, videos and podcast. Thanks and happy writing! – Joanna Penn

Blogging is fantastic for accountability!

I finished my first novel, Pentecost this year

Studies show that if you write a goal down, you are far more likely to achieve it. I blogged my 2010 goals for The Creative Penn in January. Here's how the year went:

  • Complete my first novel by the end of 2010. It was called ‘Mandala' and now it's called ‘Pentecost' but it is complete and will launch in Feb 2011 after ebook formatting and self-publishing through LightningSource. It's Dan Brown meets Lara Croft in a religious action thriller! I have started working on ideas for the sequel, ‘Prophecy'. I really don't know if I would have completed it without the knowledge I was accountable to you all. I try to practice what I preach and that drove me on through the bad patches!
  • Become no. 1 on Australia's Top Writing Blogs. Hmm, well I'm still at no. 4 which is all good 🙂 PLUS/ the blog is #8 on Top 10 Blogs for Writers on WriteToDone which is mainly a US audience so perhaps that makes up for it! Thanks again for your votes!
  • Relaunch Author 2.0. I did launch one of the modules as a stand-alone, ‘Blogging for Authors and Writers' which is proving popular. I do intend to relaunch some other modules next year but clearly, I've been busy on other projects 🙂
  • Become a full Member of National Speaker's Association Australia. There are a number of prerequisites for this including a specified number of paid speaking events as well as proven competence in a number of skills. My Membership confirmation came through on Christmas Eve so I have reached this goal. I have certainly improved my speaking this year, with the highlight being a 5 day Bali writer's retreat where I was the main speaker. If you're in Brisbane, I'll be speaking at the Queensland Writer's Centre on Blogging and Social Networking in April.

  • Create videos weekly. I missed a few months at the beginning of the year, but now the videos are starting to speed up and my skills at editing are improving. Video posts and interviews are now a core part of the blog, and I hope you're enjoying them! You can see all my videos on YouTube/TheCreativePenn. I really believe video is a great way to connect and set yourself apart from the crowd, especially in a text based market like writing.
  • Create an iPhone app. I didn't even think about this again. I'm not that concerned with this anymore either, so scrap that from the list!
  • Keep to the blogging schedule and answer reader's questions. I'm happy to have blogged every 2-3 days all year, scheduling through my holidays. I hope I have answered all your questions either by email or by blog posts. Please continue to send them in to me: joanna AT TheCreativePenn.com
  • Core blogging, podcasting and social networking activities as an ongoing event as well as the day job. All ticked off. My Facebook page has more followers, Twitter is booming, I love my podcast and I've hit 2 years blogging. I'm also still working 4 days a week which pays the bills.

Overall, I'm extremely happy with progress this year in all areas. I'm a goal-orientated person so this type of thing floats my boat. It might not be yours, so no worries if you don't want to join in the accountability drive 🙂

Joanna Penn:

View Comments (13)

  • Way to go! That's an impressive list of goals AND achievements! I hope 2011 is just as successful for you! (Looking forward to the launch of Pentecost.)

  • Congratulations! People say it's easy, but for me keeping with my New Year's Resolutions is very difficult. So I applaud to anyone who manages to tick off majority of the list. Good job!

    • Thanks Jane. It was pretty funny seeing I had completely forgotten the iPhone app thing though. With the launch of the iPad, it just seemed to be in the too hard basket!

  • Congratulations on a extremely productive year! :) I totally agree that setting yearly goals helps and having them out in the public helps keep you accountable.

    As for personal goals, 2010 was really a year of exploration for me as a writer. I've affectionately labeled it as "The Year of Kicking Tires." The only goal I set for myself was to test different styles of writing and try to have enough info by the end of the year to put together a big project for 2011. I feel I've definitely achieved that goal and plan on focusing on getting my first novel out the door by the end of 2011.

    Thanks for all the value you've provided to the writing community this year, Joanna. I'm one reader who has benefited greatly from your insights. Looking forward to seeing what you have planned for 2011.

    • Thanks Steve. Exploration as a writer sounds like what I need for next year. I'll look forward to hearing about your first novel in 2011. Everything I've learned this year is posted here http://www.thecreativepenn.com/firstnovel/
      In case that helps!
      I'm so glad I've been useful for you this year and I hope to continue to provide value for your time in 2011.

  • What an inspiring year and post! Joanna, you are a terrific example of a writer who knows how to manage self-promotion with grace and integrity and professionalism. Thank you for setting such a positive example for the rest of us. (Is it mainly women who struggle with this sort of thing?)

    While I can list accomplishments for 2010 (two books published, getting an agent for my children's historical novel, starting and keeping up a blog), they didn't necessarily come because of the goals I set, so for 2011 I want to be more focused and disciplined about setting out in a particular direction with more purpose and planning.

    • Thanks Lisa. I have learned the self promotion/marketing thing over time - I'm glad you find it useful! I think guys struggle too :)
      Authors and shy people in general struggle with this idea, but we need to get our work into the world!
      Wow! 2 books in 2010 - fantastic! It sounds like you are already focused and disciplined, so I look forward to hearing more about your journey in 2011. From your website, I see you are a speaker as well. I am looking forward to investing more in my speaking in 2011 and aim to speak in the US in 2012 as I improve.
      Thanks again, Joanna

  • Congratulations on all you've achieved in the last year! I love your blog and it's so amazing that you've decided to step out of yourself and become an asset to the writing community instead of just going at it alone. Now you help other people achieve their goals as well which has such a far-reaching affect. Thanks for sharing your journey with all of us.

    • Thanks Caethes (and I love your name!)
      I wanted to share what I learned along the way because I'd like to save people time, money and heartache plus I love to be useful! Blogging is a very satisfying process for me!

  • It's inspiring to see how goal-oriented you are, Joanna. I don't usually make up goals at the beginning of each year but this year I blogged that I was going to, and one of my commenters gave me an idea: at the end of each quarter or month (haven't decided yet) we'll reconnoiter, comparing progress. Isn't that a fun idea? I mean, if you've got adult-onset OCD, it is. Happy New Year!

    • That's great Lynne, I do revisit after 6 months on the blog which helps me to keep to target :) I know that finishing my novel was partially important because of the number of people reading the blog now. I have to practice what I preach! Thanks, Joanna

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