Authors: 5 Ways You Can Be Your Own Alchemist

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Liquid Gold

Alchemy is the science and art of turning what is base into something precious. It means transformation and renewal, death and rebirth. There are many myths, legends and secrets around alchemy and it has been a creative muse for many people throughout the centuries.

Here are 5 ways you can be your own alchemist:

  1. Take your darkest and hidden secrets and turn them into nuggets of gold. We all have our dark and dirty memories, but you can turn them into the basis for brilliant writing. It is not about baring your soul, but using what is down there and transforming it. Fictionalise it. Use the lessons to share your wisdom. Your story is original and people want to hear it. You are unique and you can shape that into brilliance.
  2. Edit your work dramatically. Turn your worst writing into something great. Sometimes our writing itself is base and dirty. It needs refining, sometimes drastically. The alchemist used fire to destroy and refine. You may need to be as brutal with your writing to make it into something beautiful.
  3. Transform yourself. Learn, grow and change to develop your self and your writing. “The book you write will change your life” Seth Godin. I truly believe this. The experience of writing a book, whether it is for you alone or for many readers, can transform you into a new person.
  4. Test and refine your methods and works. The alchemists were always looking for new ways to reach The Philosopher's Stone. To be the one to finally turn lead into gold. They were chemists, scientists always experimenting. You also need to experiment as an author. Learn from failure and continue to move on. Try different techniques and methods. Include new ways of writing as well as book promotion and sales options. This is a lifetime of work, so you have time to make the changes.
  5. Include both spirituality and practicality into your writing. Alchemists have been linked with both the science of chemistry and also esoteric spirituality. Combining both creates a powerful writing career. Authors need to stay in touch with their soul and spirit in order to create and give their energy to the work. But equally, authors need a practical sensibility in order to deal with business, publishing and book promotion. To be entirely focusses on one without the other is useless.

Image Credit: Flickr Creative Commons Pedro Moura Pinheiro

Joanna Penn:

View Comments (3)

  • Joanna,

    A friend of mine (Nancy at Ace My English) told me about your site.

    This article could have been written about the book I'm going to be publishing. My jaw dropped when I read what your wrote because it's so closely aligned with my thoughts.

    I do believe in the alchemical process with our life as the crucible. Thanks for posting this. It's more confirmation that our greatest inspirations are called from somewhere in the universe by those who really want them.

    We just have to 'show up' to do our part!


  • Hi Kat, I'm so glad you liked the post and let me know about your book when it is ready. I love alchemical myths and legends. I read a lot of Carl Jung, and have degrees in psychology and religion, so it is a crossing point for me as well. One of my books caught my eye so I posted on it!
    Thanks, Joanna

  • Joanna,

    I can see with your background why you wrote this particular post!

    I'm doing lots of reading of your info as I start to market the book... even before it's published. (That's the advice I see and hear anyway.) I got one great idea already from one of your videos. I'm sure I'll find many more as I continue to read your info.

    We're also connected on Twitter. I'm KatSings.


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