The Author 2.0 Model Explained

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In the Author 2.0 Blueprint, I include this model. It represents the way authors need to use their online presence to build their platform, generate interest in themselves and ultimately, sell more books.

The central point is the Internet Hub which may be a website or blog. This is where you bring people to with various means of traffic, and you also sell from here. The top part of the diagram contains the traffic mechanisms – ways to draw people to you. The methods generally won't cost you much and will be free for people to access. This freemium model is a core concept in today's internet.

The bottom part represents where you write, sell and publish your books and information as well as other ways of making money.

The model is explained in more detail in the video below. I talk about all the aspects of the model and show you some examples of the people using it.

If you haven't got your free Author 2.0 Blueprint yet, you can get it here.


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