What if there is already a book on the subject?

    Categories: Writing

OLD POST ALERT! This is an older post and although you might find some useful tips, any technical or publishing information is likely to be out of date. Please click on Start Here on the menu bar above to find links to my most useful articles, videos and podcast. Thanks and happy writing! – Joanna Penn

Some writers worry that their idea is already taken and so they can't write what they want to. But think again!

How many cookbooks are there in the world?

How many travel books about Paris?

How many fiction books about the path of true love?

How many books are there on becoming a millionaire?

You get the point. There are very few original topics, and perhaps those original topics wouldn’t sell anyway. People like cookbooks, travel and wealth books and romantic fiction. So even if there is already a book on your subject, don’t let that stop you!

“Never be afraid to write about a place that you think has had every last word written about it. It’s not your place until you write about it.”

On Writing Well, 30th Anniversary Edition: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction

Your words and your angle are original so tell that story and write that book. The way you say it may touch a person more than someone else’s book on the same topic.

So write that book anyway!

Joanna Penn:

View Comments (3)

  • A nice tip for all writers. There is nothing new under the sun, only new twists on old ideas. You have to be bold and carve out your own niche.

  • Thanks for the reminder!

    It's so easy to look at the negative side of things, rather than the positive.

    Existing books on a topic prove the relevance of the topic, so the presence of existing books is actually a good thing.

    Indeed, one of the most important ways for authors to prepare their book proposals is to carefully analyze the pros and cons of existing books.

    Your market may not need "another book" on the topic; but your market may want a "different" book on the topic.

    Your job to identify a new, urgently needed, perspective.


  • Good advice!

    The world is constantly changing, and that means fresh perspectives are always needed, even on topics that have been written about many times before.


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