From Idea to Book: An Overview of the Process

    Categories: Writing

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Here is the process from idea to book for self-publishers, although the first few steps are for all authors.

1.       Your Idea Cloud is full of possible books. This is your starting place. Take all your writing bits and pieces and all your ideas and decide what you book will be.

2.       Write and Rewrite. Get your book into that important first draft stage.

3.       Proof Read and Editing. Submit your book to a professional editor and give it to friends and a few members of your target audience for reading. Collect feedback and rewrite as necessary. This step cycles with Step 2 because you often revisit these steps a number of times.

4.       Typeset and Cover design. Your finished manuscript needs to be formatted into a book. You also need the cover designed.

5.       Printing. The final manuscript is signed off and goes to the printers and then you finally get a copy of your book in your hands. Now is the time to celebrate!

6.       Distribution and Sales. Your books need to be distributed for sales, through bookstores or through the internet or other channels. You also need to sell your book through various means.

7.       Marketing and Promotion. This goes across multiple stages of the project and continues into the future. As long as you want to make sales, you need to promote and market your book and yourself.

8.       Commitment and Persistence. Throughout the process you need to keep the faith in yourself and your book. You will make it through. You can get from idea to book, and you can fulfill this goal. You also need enthusiasm and motivation to keep yourself going.


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