Overwhelmed Online? 3 Steps To Start Your Author Platform Building

Authors are now expected to be building their platform, their online presence, as well as writing. There are new social…

Joanna Penn

Literary Oxford: Authors and Poets

Oxford, England is one of my most special places and I am returning this week for a wedding so I…

Joanna Penn

Writing Therapy: Blog Book Tour

‘How to…’ books aren’t supposed to be works of fiction, are they? (Even if some of the advice they give…

Joanna Penn

Podcast: Lauren Roche on Writing As Therapy and her Inspirational Memoir

Lauren Roche is the bestselling author of 2 books, and also a physician and motivational speaker based in Auckland, New…

Joanna Penn

Where Is Joanna Penn? What Questions Do You Have About Literary Oxford and London?

This is a brief interlude post because I am off the UK tomorrow for 12 days. All the way from…

Joanna Penn

Amazon, Apple and Ebooks

I love the magazine Fast Company and await it eagerly wending its way from the US each month. If are…

Joanna Penn

How To Discover and Build Your Author Brand

If you think branding is a business marketing term and doesn’t apply to authors, it’s time to change your mind!…

Joanna Penn

Podcast: Grant McDuling on The Business of Selling Words

This is a must-listen podcast if you are interested in making a fulltime income as a writer. Grant McDuling is…

Joanna Penn

5 Steps To Make Your Own Author Podcast

** This is an old post from 2009 - for a more up-to-date version, check out How to Create a…

Joanna Penn

I’m an Ebook Consumer, and I want an Apple Tablet

I have blogged enthusiastically about ebooks and sell my own in various formats, but up until now I have been…

Joanna Penn