On Becoming A Multimedia Creative Producer. Joanna Penn Interviewed By Greg McQueen.

OLD POST ALERT! This is an older post and although you might find some useful tips, any technical or publishing information is likely to be out of date. Please click on Start Here on the menu bar above to find links to my most useful articles, videos and podcast. Thanks and happy writing! – Joanna Penn

You may have noticed that I use a lot of multimedia in my content.

There are text articles but I also use audio and video to make the information come alive. I believe that multimedia helps us stand out in a sea of millions of other blogs. In addition, few authors are willing to put their face and voice online, or they don't know how to, so it is a way to connect with new fans.

If the cornerstone of authentic marketing is that people need to know, like and trust you, then surely seeing your body language, your smile and hearing your voice is a critical component.

In this video, Greg McQueen interviews me about being a transmedia (or multimedia) producer. I hope you find this interesting if multimedia is something you are keen on trying. Click here for the video on YouTube. There is also an audio download and text post below the video.

Audio => MultiMediaInterview.mp3

How I got started in multimedia production and podcasting.

I wrote my first book back in 2008 and was hugely disappointed to find I couldn't sell any copies. Basically, I didn't know anything about marketing so no one even knew I existed! So I went on a 6 month campaign to learn about online marketing. I also wanted to target the US, a huge market compared to Australia, or even Britain. I discovered blogging and podcasting at that point. I learned mainly from Yaro Starak from EntrepreneursJourney.com. I started the podcast to learn from other people but also so I would have something of value to share with an online audience. It's just snowballed from there.

  • How I started with podcasting.

The very first interview I did was with a breakout author of a cookbook so it was a big deal, but all I had was a handheld recorder that I held by the phone which I put on speakerphone. I didn't have a clue at that point. I edited in Audacity and the Blubrry plugin for WordPress. The need to share was greater than the need to get a load of expensive kit. I started where I was and then expanded over time. This is a good way to start.

  • How I produce podcasts now – it has changed a lot. I use Ecamm with Skype for my video posts and Screenflow to edit.
  • How long did it take for any traffic? I mention Entreproducer.com and that I am good at content production but terrible at stats. But it certainly took a year of the blog to get any real attention and the podcast took the same. It took 2 years to get decent traffic and I went fulltime as an author-entrepreneur at almost 3 years. This is why it's critical to do this for a topic you are passionate about. It doesn't matter what the result is as I am still enjoying it and it's not a chore. I would do it if no one was listening!

On creating video

  • I went into video when Google bought YouTube and because the technology for voice recognition was expanding so it will impact search engine optimization. Not many authors put their face out there, I'm an introvert but not shy, so I can stand out this way. I also do video interviews when I do my podcasts. So I can create multiple content types from one interview.
  • Transmedia implies that all modalities have the same importance. I use video, audio, text as well as social media, plus I write books. I consider all of things important as people will find you from different modalities. There is a different audience for the podcast than there is for the text based posts. People who watch video may not listen to the audio. I also make sure the content can be found by writing a text based post for search engine optimization as well as releasing the multimedia.
  • I talk about some free platforms like BlogCastFM which enables you to do free audio but you don't own the content or the hosting. You have no control. When you own the content, no one can delete them. If you rely on one site that you don't have control over, and then that site goes downhill or bankrupt, you may lose your content. It may cost a bit more to self-host but it is empowering and you have more freedom.
  • On the amount of time it all takes. I was working full-time when I started doing the multimedia stuff and it did take crazy times. I used to do interviews at 5am before work. It is about priorities and for me, this is worth it. For me, the interviews are about building relationships and this can pay off in the future with social karma. I also get great content that gives me traffic. If I write a text post, I only get one benefit but it doesn't compare to the interaction I get with multimedia. It probably takes 3 – 3.5 hours for each show.

How to find content to produce

  • The ideas are endless when you have a topic you're passionate about! Most of my interviews are people I meet on Twitter. I give an example of how I recently met a couple of people on twitter and how I can use their expertise on the blog. It snowballs but when you start out, just ask people as most people will say yes as they like to have some marketing! It's always important to tie the content to your niche. Everything I do ties to writing, publishing and book marketing.
  • My top advice: If you find a topic you like, don't stop. Keep on going and you will build up a big backlist over time. People are finding me now and downloading all the past episodes. They become real fans if they listen to 60+ hours of your voice. So it's worth it, hang in there and keep going. You will get better over time!
  • I mention Mitch Joel's Six Pixels of Separation which is probably my favorite podcast. He has been going for years and indeed the people who persist over time are the people who are truly successful online. There's a threshold where you can make a living at this. On fiction podcasting, like Scott Sigler and Dan Sawyer.
  • On how much fun this is!

If you're interested in creating multimedia, I'll be releasing a new course on this in the coming months. If you subscribe to the blog, you'll be notified as I will announce it here first.

Thanks to Greg McQueen for the interview. I also interviewed Greg a while back on multimedia publishing and book marketing for 100 stories for Haiti.

Do you create multimedia? Do you consume it? Is there a place for multimedia? Please do let me know what you think in the comments.



Joanna Penn:

View Comments (20)

  • I’d love to give podcasting a try, but I’m self-conscious about my East Yorkshire accent. My voice sounds so weird when recorded, I just wouldn’t dare let anyone listen to it!

    • Don't let that fear stand in your way. If you do you'll start setting limits for yourself and that's not cool. I have a southern/newyork accent myself but you can use your accent and make yourself unique and remember to your audience. :)

      • I love having guests on my podcast with different accents. Probably my favorite have been Zoe Winters' southern accent, Scott Nicholson's hillbilly and Joe Giacalone's New York cop voice. All marvelous fun!

    • This is the #1 reason people don't even try multimedia Wendy!
      It's basically about getting over yourself and realizing that people are interested in what's in it for them - what benefit do they get from your information. If you are providing quality information or entertainment, it doesn't matter what your voice sounds like.
      Plus, we have our hangups but no one else feels that way - for example, the Americans love a British accent - being "foreign" is a great asset in this global community. You should definitely give it a try!

      • Thanks for the advice. I guess most people are more interested in what others have to say than how they say it.

    • Wendy,

      Just talk as if you're talking to your friends or family. Now, you don't really worry about how you sound to them, do you? So don't worry about it. As we say in America, not everyone comes from Nebraska (supposedly, Nebraska has the most neutral sound in American English language, for what it's worth).

      Make the content so compelling, that your voice and accent become just part of the background.


  • Thanks for all these wonderful ideas I find here - I'm so thrilled that my ideas may come true now, and that with the help of this blog here I can scrape through and get my already published books with grin.com more into a focus and get more readers. Publishing for free is wonderful and easy with grin (http://www.grin.com/en) but I was longing for more ideas to market my books myself and find other inspiring sources - thank you so much.

  • Funny, when I get to a blog that interests me and I see a video blog post, I actually leave that page. I feel I don't want to have to get stuck waiting for someone to deliver their message in their time, I rather read through it and get to the point in my own time.

    Obviously I am a dying breed, but it really bores me! :D

    I want to hear peoples voices through their words, I want to be entertained through their thoughts and ideas sculpted through words.
    But I understand that this is the way the world is going and respect it. One day maybe, when I am the only one left standing without multimedia on my website, I will join in, lol

    • Hi Susy, I actually prefer audio myself as well - which is why I include an mp3 version, but also I always have a text post for people like you who like to read. There will always be text so don't worry about that but part of my marketing in general is being multimodal.

  • Hi. .. this is a fabulous interview! I'm very much interested in what you are doing. I've been working on having my characters come to life. Alexander Wainwright, Britain's finest landscape painter and my protagonist of The Trilogy of Remembrance, is out in cyberspace interviewing real artists Iive met on the web. Here's one of his visits to a real artist in New York.

    Also, Alexander has met in cyberspace another character from another writer's novel.
    I'd love to collaborate with you.

    • I'm glad you're inspired to do some multimedia. I don't collaborate with people at the moment, but I know you'll enjoy it if you get into it yourself.

    • Thanks Mike, I still consider myself a newbie but actually realized I have some skills when I did this interview :) I really enjoy sharing.

  • This post was fantastic for me. Finally someone being honest about how long it takes for a blog to really take off! And as for multimedia, I completely agree. A lot of writers won't put their faces out there, and that's one way we can really make ourselves stand out from the sea of other self published writers. I've also found that connecting with other authors through blogs and twitter is a great way of driving traffic to your site, whilst still helping out others :)

    • Thanks David. It definitely takes a while for things to take off, and we all make so many mistakes. But I'm so grateful for the marvelous opportunities we have online to learn and also to share. It took a while to get over my own face and my voice but now, it seems pretty natural to put myself out there. I hope more people give it a go and get past that awkward initial stage.

  • Hi Joanna - great interview as always! Thanks for being so honest and candid about how long it takes to see any traction.

    I have been video interviewing indie authors recently in a series called 'Indie Authors Doing it Right'. I ask about a particular aspect of marketing or promotion that has helped them and their advice for newbies. I find it incredibly interesting, and like you, though it is time-consuming it feels like a wonderful hobby - I truly enjoy talking to all of these personalities and hearing their stories!

    I have noticed that there are a lot of camera - shy authors out there. Many have requested that we do MP3 and not video :) I believe that being willing to put yourself out there on video puts you at an advantage for this reason.

  • This post is very helpful. In some ways you've done a lot of the work for writers and you've basically given us a leg up on this thing.. it's complicated to even know where to get started. So thank you for that. And thanks for sharing all of this with us.

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