Video: How Gary Vaynerchuk built a “platform” and attracted a 10 book deal

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I got so excited about Gary Vaynerchuk's book deal, I wrote a blog post on it and also made a video so you can see how enthusiastic I am about the whole thing! (I also just saw the spelling mistake on the initial slide – sorry @garyvee !)



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Joanna Penn:

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  • I have just started to build my platform and am following in Cory Doctorow's footsteps by giving my novel away as a free ebook download.
    It is early days yet and it takes a leap of faith to give your book away for free as an ebook and then expect people to pay for a print copy. But it is my hope that I can use my free ebook(s) to connect with an audience who will then support me in my future career.

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