Publishing 2.0 Tidbits Nov 2008

OLD POST ALERT! This is an older post and although you might find some useful tips, any technical or publishing information is likely to be out of date. Please click on Start Here on the menu bar above to find links to my most useful articles, videos and podcast. Thanks and happy writing! – Joanna Penn

I am so excited about Publishing 2.0 I am currently scouring the internet for interesting tidbits to share with you as well as posting useful tips on writing, publishing and promotion. Here are some cool happenings in the world

  • People are reading books on their iPhones and iPod Touch with Stanza – over 40,000 books are downloaded digitally daily
  • High quality photographic books are now print-on-demand and profitable through Blurb.com. You can load your photos and create your book and sell it through this website. It does other types of books but specialises in photobooks. Authors can update files easily as they go so their books can always contain their latest work.  This year, Blurb has printed 140,000 different books with people putting an average markup of $10 per book.
  • Amazon Text-Buy It. If you are browsing at a shop and want to buy the book from Amazon, you can text name, description or ISBN to Amazon and have the option to buy from your cellphone.
  • Dale Beaumont is a self-published author who has sold over 250,000 copies from 15 books in his “Secrets of” series. I have a number of these books which are interviews with successful people in different fields e.g. Secrets of Property Millionaires Exposed, Secrets of Web Millionaires Exposed. I was inspired by the property book to get into property investing so I can vouch for how good these books are. He has a new product available at Get Published Secrets
  • The Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award is happening again in 2009. If you have a fiction, unpublished manuscript, you can submit it to be in the running for a publishing contract.
Joanna Penn:
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