Amazon Shorts: What and Why

OLD POST ALERT! This is an older post and although you might find some useful tips, any technical or publishing information is likely to be out of date. Please click on Start Here on the menu bar above to find links to my most useful articles, videos and podcast. Thanks and happy writing! – Joanna Penn

The future of publishing is all about new ideas that catch people's interest and create new revenue streams.

Amazon Shorts are essentially little e-books, short literary works for free or 49 cents each delivered digitally. They are in every category and on many different subjects. Fiction, poetry, business, self-help, spirituality – it's all there, so don't think this is just short stories. They are delivered in PDF, HTML and text email formats and stored in your online Media Library.
Currently the top product is “How to Write a Great Query Letter”, which is actually 76 pages and it is free. The author is also publicising his book within the page, so it is great promotion as well. Customers who bought his little e-book also bought his physical book, so the two work together. I downloaded this by lying about my address, but couldn't buy any other products because my credit card is not a US card (I live in Australia).  Interesting restriction given this is digital content.
This is an example of essentially giving something away for free in order to gain readership and loyalty and a market for your other products. This is a great model if you have good content that people want. People are happy to pay for what they want if it is quality. They just need to find you in order to buy your product.
Any author who has a book for sale on Amazon.com can submit a previously unpublished piece for customers to download at the price of 49 cents only. To submit, email amazon-shorts@amazon.com.
Update: I have emailed them and received this reply.
“Greetings from Amazon.com.

We are no longer accepting new submissions to Amazon Shorts.  However, we continue to investigate new ways to easily connect authors to Amazon.com customers.  We are noting your interest and will notify you directly with new developments.

During this time, existing Shorts will continue to be made available for customers to purchase and download.  In addition, we will continue to pay royalties for sales to authors on a monthly basis.  Payments are made after the account balance reaches $10.
We restrict distribution of Amazon Shorts to customers with US addresses because of rights management.  This has always been a restriction in the program and have no plans to change the policy at this time.
Thank you for your interest in Amazon Shorts.”
Joanna Penn:
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